What’s special about this farmers' market?
With a lovely range of produce and very engaging, knowledgeable stall holders. Look out for Grange Nurseries seasonal cut flowers, Galileo Farm organic meat and poultry, seasonal game, goats’ milk and cheese from Ellie’s dairy, a huge range of fruit and vegetables from Perry Court Farm, Wild Country Organics, Chegworth Valley and Ted's Veg, plus pies, cakes, bread, herbs in season, honey, free range and organic eggs, cheese and much more.
What's in season;
Root veg in January, wild garlic in March, asparagus and strawberries in May, peas in June, cherries in July, apples and plums from August, corn in September, game in October, celery in November, turkeys in December!
Please bring your own bags and food containers to market to save using new plastic. Help us to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE