London Farmers' Markets | West Hampstead Farmers' Market

West Hampstead Farmers' Market

What’s special about this farmers' market?


West Hampstead Farmers' Market brings you fresh day boat fish, free range and organic meat and poultry and dairy and coffee from Brinkworth Dairy. In season we have fresh game, Pippins Orchard Essex apples, asparagus and cherries. Look out for regulars Eden Farm veg, Wild Country organics seasonal veg and leaves, Brambletye biodynamic juice, fruit, veg, eggs and more and Millets Farm juice. There's hot food for breakfast and lunch, seasonal herbs and flowers and very friendly, knowledgeable stall holders.

What's in season; Root veg in January, wild garlic in March, asparagus and strawberries in May, peas in June, cherries in July, apples and plums from August, corn in September, game in October,  celery in November, turkeys in December!

Please bring your own bags and food containers to market to save using new plastic. Help us to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE

September 2012
Opening times:
Every Saturday 10AM - 2PM
Nearest cash point:
By the Thameslink Station entrance
Card payments:
Some stallholders accept card payments
Limited, on street and the 02 centre Car Park. With so many train stations to choose from train or walking is easiest.
Other info:
Please note that not all stalls attend weekly. The market takes place in a public space so well behaved friendly dogs are welcomed.

Producers selling at West Hampstead:

Artisan Foods
Artisan Foods

Breads and Cakes

Astons Bakehouse
Astons Natures Bakehouse

Breads and Cakes

Bagnell Farm
Bagnell Farm Stall Pic.jpg

XBeef / Lamb / Pork

Bath Soft Cheese Company
Bath Soft Cheese

Cheese and Dairy

Battersea Biltong
Battersea Biltong

5Cooked Local Foods

Brambletye Fruit Farms
Brambleyte Fruit Farm Stein


UVegetables and Salads


1Honey / Preserves


Bread and Macaroon
Bread and Macaroon.jpg

Breads and Cakes

Brinkworth Dairy
brinkworth dairy

Cheese and Dairy

1Honey / Preserves

Chegworth Valley
chegworth valley


UVegetables and Salads

uGarden Plants and Cut Flowers

5Cooked Local Foods


Cornish Gouda Co
The Cornish Gouda Co

Cheese and Dairy

Dallaways Cherries (Rent a Cherry Tree Ltd)
Dallaways Cherries


UVegetables and Salads


Emmy Stall Pic

Breads and Cakes

Finest Fayre
Finest Fayre

5Cooked Local Foods

Fiveways Fruit Farm
Five Ways Fruit Farm


UVegetables and Salads

Forest Biltong
Forest Biltong

5Cooked Local Foods

Fosse Meadows Ltd
Lainchbury chickens in field 2015 March

XBeef / Lamb / Pork


yPoultry / Game

5Cooked Local Foods

Fruitway Farm Ltd
Fruitways Profile.jpg


1Honey / Preserves

uGarden Plants and Cut Flowers

Graveney Gin
Graveney Gin


Happy Bees
20150529 102241

1Honey / Preserves

Le Petit Moulin Traiteur
Le Petit Moulin wide

5Cooked Local Foods

London Vermouth Co
London Vermouth Company


Lord Pesto
Lord Pesto

5Cooked Local Foods

Merit Mushrooms
Merit Mushrooms

UVegetables and Salads

Montgomery Vineyard
Montgomery Vineyard


Nana's Chutneys
Nana's Chutneys

1Honey / Preserves

North Sea Seafood Ltd
North Sea Seafood


Nut Knowle Farm
Nut Knowle Farm

Cheese and Dairy

Organic Orchards
Organic Orchards.jpg



uGarden Plants and Cut Flowers

Owley Farm Mushrooms
Owley Farm Mushrooms


UVegetables and Salads

uGarden Plants and Cut Flowers

5Cooked Local Foods

Parsons Ridge
Sheep in field

XBeef / Lamb / Pork

5Cooked Local Foods

Paula's Samosas
Paula's Samosas

5Cooked Local Foods

Picks Organic Farm Ltd
Picks Organic

XBeef / Lamb / Pork


yPoultry / Game

5Cooked Local Foods

Pippins Orchard
Malcolm Stone; Pippins Orchard


Popina products

Breads and Cakes

5Cooked Local Foods

Priestlands Birch
Priestland Birch


Stephs Kitchen
Kentish Town Jams

1Honey / Preserves

The Culinary Herb Company
Culinary Herb Company

uGarden Plants and Cut Flowers

The Ferm
The Ferm

1Honey / Preserves

The Fine Jamaican Sauce Co
Fine Jamaican Sauce Co Sauces.jpg

1Honey / Preserves

The Tomato Stall

UVegetables and Salads

Trethowan's Dairy and Puxton Court Farm
Trethowans Dairy

Cheese and Dairy

Westlands Nurseries Ltd

UVegetables and Salads

Wild Country Organics
Wild Country Organics; Adrian Izzard


UVegetables and Salads

Zwetsloots Floriculture

uGarden Plants and Cut Flowers