Our markets are back after the Christmas break...
Happy New Year everyone!
We hope that you are refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.
All our markets, with the exception of East Finchley, are open and our farmers and producers are looking forward to seeing you at market again.
In season in January
Forced rhubarb will come onto stalls this month, stored apples and pears will still be availalable.
Winter heartwarming stews and roasts are traditional fare at this time of year with beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery, celeriac, cauliflower, carrots, chard, claytonia, fennel, Jerusalem Artichokes, kale, lettuce, leeks, marrows, pak choi, parsnips, peppers, potatoes, purple sprouting broccoli, red, green & white cabbage, radishes, spinach, turnips, Tuscan kale, garlic, squash and pumpkins all availalble to create with.
Our meat and game stalls will provide you with joints or birds to roast along with cured and sausage meats. Most stalls will be happy to give tips on cooking anything you haven't tried before.
Latest news

Our markets are back after the Christmas break...
We hope that you are refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

December News
Brussel Sprout Tree Time....

Winter is coming!
The clocks have gone back, it's time to think about warming stews and soups.

Autumn is here already
Kown as the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness from the opening line of Keats' poem 'To Autumn' this is a bountiful season and our markets are full of lovely, colourful produce direct from the farms that produce them.

Organic September
September is a special month for the organic food movement.