December News
Brussel Sprout Tree Time....
Market opening times over the Christmas period.
Our Saturday markets will be open as usual on the 21st of December, our Sunday markets will also be open as usual on the 22nd of December.
We will run an additional market on Monday the 23rd of December at Swiss Cottage.
Our Imperial College and Bloomsbury lunch markets will close a week earlier with their last days being the 10th and the 12th of December respectively.
No markets will run between Christmas and New Year.
All our markets will resume their normal schedules from Saturday the 4th of January when we very much look forward to seeing you all again.
In season in December

Turkeys, geese, apples, beetroot, broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, celery, celeriac, cauliflower, carrots, chard, claytonia, fennel, herbs, Jerusalem Artichokes, kale, lettuce, leeks, marrows, pak choi, parsnips, pears, potatoes, peppers, purple sprouting broccoli, red, green & white cabbage, radishes, spinach, spring onions, turnips, Tuscan kale, garlic, squash and pumpkins!
This Month's Hamper Competition

Win one of the last of our 25 year anniversary hampers!
All this year we have been giving away 2 hampers of food from the markets each month to celebrate London Farmers Markets 25th year of bringing good, wholesome food direct from the farm to Londoners.
This month we have three hampers to give to three lucky winners in our competition.
Filled with Christmassy essentials and treats these hampers will provide you with plenty of festive joy.
Hamper #1
Our first hamper will contain a free range turkey and the veg for a traditional main course Christmas dinner!
Hamper #2
Turkey not for you? Our second hamper will have the veg for a traditional Christmas dinner but with a duck instead of a turkey.
Hamper #3
Mince pies, a Christmas pudding or cake (or perhaps both!) and a bottle of festive english sparkling wine will make your christmas sweet.
If you are vegetarian or vegan we will of course tailor your hamper to your requirements.
Hop to our Instagramor FaceBook pages for details on how to enter. This competition will close at midnight on Thursday the 12th of December so that winners can collect thier hampers from one of our markets on the weekend of the 21st of December.
Best of luck!
Latest news

Our markets are back after the Christmas break...
We hope that you are refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

December News
Brussel Sprout Tree Time....

Winter is coming!
The clocks have gone back, it's time to think about warming stews and soups.

Autumn is here already
Kown as the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness from the opening line of Keats' poem 'To Autumn' this is a bountiful season and our markets are full of lovely, colourful produce direct from the farms that produce them.

Organic September
September is a special month for the organic food movement.