October is all about Apples
Well, that's not quite true, there is of course lots more than just apples, the grape harvest will be underway in the vineyards and many other fruits and vegetables are coming into abundance this month.
On Saturday October the 21st we celebrate Apple Day in the UK. Like a good wine, an apple is the product of it's 'terroir' , how it was cultivated by the farmer, it's variety, and it's vintage, and this year is a good year! At our markets you will find many heritage varieties of apple that you will not find in the supermarket. If you see something you have not come across before ask for a taste and hopefully you will discover something wonderful. At our Parliament Hill market Brambletye Fruit Farm will be offering samples of their apples and juice.
Look out for Perry Court Farm who have one of the most extensive ranges of heritage apples in the country, Chegworth Valley, Pippins Orchard, Akiki Organics and many more farms that produce apples and sell them at our markets.
There will be two prize draws running in October, one to win a hamper which this month will have heritage apples, apple pie, apple juice, apple chutney... you get the idea. The second draw, as the grape harvest is also underway, will be for something wine related which we will reveal on Instagram so keep an eye on our Insta page for you chance to win!
And don't forget your pumpkins for Halloweeeeeeeeen!

New To Our Markets
Please give a warm welcome to these new stalls if you see them at your market.
The Woodland Pig Company
Matter At Hand Ice Cream
Soapbox Sprits
Graces Secret Garden
Willow Tree Distilling
Latest news

Why is April called April?
Great to have some warm weather back, and the clock change extending our evenings.

Our markets are back after the Christmas break...
We hope that you are refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

December News
Brussel Sprout Tree Time....

Winter is coming!
The clocks have gone back, it's time to think about warming stews and soups.

Autumn is here already
Kown as the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness from the opening line of Keats' poem 'To Autumn' this is a bountiful season and our markets are full of lovely, colourful produce direct from the farms that produce them.