We like
We like getting to market early so that we do not miss the limited supplies of foods that are rare or have a short season, so the first of the season purple sprouting, or limited supplies of ox tail. Ask the managers for the inside knowledge.
We like getting to market late, for those last minute deals and cut price offers.
We like SUSTAIN who campaign on food and farming issues and really support the local food sector and their great magazine for London 'The Jellied Eel'
We love the onset of spring when wild garlic and the first broad beans show; asparagus in May, strawberries in June, freshly picked cherries that appear on our markets in July, the first apples in August, plums and sweetcorn in September and game season in October.
We like the Capital Growth project that supports food growing spaces in London
We like restaurants and cafes that use local farmers from the markets as suppliers, and say so!
Nutbourne, in Battersa, Hand Made Food in Blackheath and Clerkenwell Kitchen are great examples.
We love Common Ground; an amazing charity who started Apple Day in the UK and run the Campaign for Local Distinctiveness.
Food Cycle does an amazing job collecting unsold vegetables from our markets at the end of the day. Their volunteers then create fresh healthy meals for people affected by food poverty.
We'd like you to support charities that help those who produce the food for your table. The Farming Community Network (FCN) supports farmers and families within the farming community
through difficult times. The Fishermans Mission helps with emergency support for the fishing community.
We support Farms for City Children, a charity which welcomes 3,200 primary school children every year to stay at one of their three farms where they can learn about animals, eat good food and try out new experiences. We love the work of the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens which brings Londoners closer to the countryside.
We like growing our own food too and at markets there is a huge choice of plants for your garden, window boxes or allotment. 'Visit Your Allotment' magazine for tips on growing in the city.
LFM Founder Nina Planck, who grew up selling at American farmers' markets, and now writes a series of books called 'Real Food.' www.NinaPlanck.com
Our new website is much more visual, and we love the images. We'd particularly like to thank John Hollingsworth and Paul Winch-Furness.
We love food bloggers who post recipes using seasonal ingredients from our markets. Shu Han Lee used to manage Pimlico Farmers Market and is a great example of someone who appreciates the produce at our markets. Her blog is great too!
Latest news

Why is April called April?
Great to have some warm weather back, and the clock change extending our evenings.

Our markets are back after the Christmas break...
We hope that you are refreshed after an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

December News
Brussel Sprout Tree Time....

Winter is coming!
The clocks have gone back, it's time to think about warming stews and soups.

Autumn is here already
Kown as the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness from the opening line of Keats' poem 'To Autumn' this is a bountiful season and our markets are full of lovely, colourful produce direct from the farms that produce them.